Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

postgraduate student recruitment Page 22 of 103

Indian engineering graduates held back by limited English

Indian engineering graduates held back by limited English

A new study finds that poor English-speaking skills are limiting the employment and earning prospects of India’s engineering graduates. India produces roughly 600,000 engineers each year. While many...

The Brazilian market for English language learning

The Brazilian market for English language learning

The Brazilian government has in recent years been working to boost higher education participation, increasing demand for overseas study, and extending the reach of STEM learning (Science, Technology,...

Chinese economy shifting but demand for study abroad expected to remain strong

Chinese economy shifting but demand for study abroad expected to remain strong

It has been a tumultuous summer for the Chinese economy. The roller coaster ride started when the Chinese stock market crashed in late June. Stock values fell off...

Recruiting in Thailand

Recruiting in Thailand

We continue our From the Field series today with a feature video interview with Linly Phunpruch and Keith Hardy, co-directors of the education agency IEO Study Abroad in...

Australian education exports reach AUS$18 billion in 2014/15

Australian education exports reach AUS$18 billion in 2014/15

Australia’s international education sector has now booked a solid two years of good news. After a few years of decline from the high water mark of 2010, the...

Chinese universities increasingly forced to compete for students

To say the least, higher education in China has undergone a dramatic expansion over the last two decades. The number of universities in the country has grown from...

New survey findings on digital channels for college search

A new survey of US high school students has some interesting insights into how students use digital channels, including social media, to discover, learn about, and engage with...

Demand for study abroad in Venezuela hampered by currency controls

Venezuela is an international education market that has shown significant growth in recent years, but economic troubles and political tensions have spilled into all sectors of society. These...

Checking in on US policy for intensive English programmes

In a recent article, we discussed the impact of foreign government policies and programmes on Intensive English Programmes (IEPs) in the US. Not all issues affecting IEPs originate...

Ukraine: Education reforms and demand for study abroad continuing to take shape

The Ukrainian government passed an ambitious higher education reform package into law on 1 July 2014, marking a major turning point for an education system that, as the...

New Zealand’s international enrolment up 13% in 2014; growth continuing this year

New data from Education New Zealand provides the final word on a strong 2014 for the country’s international education sector. International student numbers were up 13% over 2013...

New Nigerian government aims to confront education challenges

Nigeria derives 70% of its government revenue from crude oil sales and so the collapse of world oil prices over the past year is a significant challenge –...

Vietnam’s cash economy and study abroad

We continue our From the Field series today with a feature video interview with Quynh Nhu Vu, the Vice-Director and Co-Founder of the Phuong Anh International Education Consultancy...

Blended learning moving to centre stage in higher education

For the past several years, experts and higher education practitioners have been touting the benefits of marrying online and traditional face-to-face learning. This approach – generally referred to...

Global parents’ survey: three quarters would consider university abroad

A newly released survey of 5,550 parents in 16 countries around the world finds that most – 77% – would consider sending their child abroad for either undergraduate...

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