Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

higher education reform Page 6 of 23

 Tuition increases should be paired with increased student aid, says new report

Tuition increases should be paired with increased student aid, says new report

A recently released European Commission study finds that, when they are balanced with expanded financial aid for students, increases in tuition fees do not negatively impact higher education...

 Russia announces new investments in higher education and study abroad

Russia announces new investments in higher education and study abroad

The Russian government’s recent announcement of increased funding for 14 universities is yet one more sign of Moscow’s continuing push in boosting the global competitiveness of its higher...

Spanish university entrance exam no longer required for foreign students

Spanish university entrance exam no longer required for foreign students

In a major change to the system of undergraduate admissions for Spanish universities, a royal decree recently removed the Selectividad exam as a mandatory entrance requirement for foreign...

 Libya struggling to meet massive demand for higher education

Libya struggling to meet massive demand for higher education

Libya has been marked by civil and political unrest in the years since the 2011 civil war that ended Muammar Gaddafi’s 42-year rule. In the wake of landmark...

Landslide election win in India ushers in education reforms

Landslide election win in India ushers in education reforms

Narendra Modi’s overwhelming victory in India’s national elections last month offers new hope for reforms within the country’s massive education system. With a strong mandate to deliver change,...

Peru positioning to be the next big player in Latin America

Peru is a fast developing, tropical, Andean, and Pacific Rim country whose education sector is going through a tectonic shift. Those changes, some of which raise constitutional questions,...

Conference panel imagines a bigger tent for international education

What better place to explore the role of industry associations than an industry conference convened by an association? That was the task of a distinguished panel assembled for...

Malaysia continues to build its position as a regional education hub

Against a backdrop of increasing education cooperation and mobility among ASEAN countries, Malaysia’s efforts to position itself as a key regional education hub have received a boost with...

Five for Friday

We are pleased to present the latest instalment in our occasional column “Five for Friday.” The following is a quick hit-list of some of the more eye-catching and...

Canada releases list of designated institutions for student visas

We reported earlier this year on Canada’s revised regulations for its International Student Program (ISP). The new regulations have now come into effect – as of 1 June...

Market Snapshot: Ecuador

Ecuador’s higher education system has changed in recent years due to a new national constitution ratified in 2008, and a new organic law on higher education, which passed...

Employability and university rankings: London conference reveals what employers want from schools

“Students are investing in education because they expect a monetary return, which means gainful employment.” – Marian Mahat, LH Marting Institute for Tertiary Education Leadership and Management, University...

Australia ushers in greater private-sector participation in higher education

In 2012, the Australian government removed previously imposed limits on the number of domestic undergraduate students that could be enrolled at public universities. Whereas the previous system was...

Looking at Chinese market trends for 2014

In today’s ICEF Monitor post, we draw on a new report from Education New Zealand (ENZ) as a foundation for a 2014 update on trends in the key...

Swiss immigration vote already impacting education

Last month, Swiss voters narrowly backed a referendum proposal for strict controls on immigration from the European Union. The final count showed that 50.3% voted in favour of...

Most Recent

  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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