Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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What do Turkish students look for when studying abroad?

What do Turkish students look for when studying abroad?

Turkey has long been known as a strong market, with one of the fastest growing economies in Europe, links with both Europe and Asia, and a large, young...

End to Canadian foreign workers’ strike should see visa processing times improve

End to Canadian foreign workers’ strike should see visa processing times improve

There is finally an end to the longest-running public service workers’ strike in Canadian history. The strike by the country’s foreign service officers – notably those responsible for...

Goodbye university? Revolution vs. evolution of the current education model

Goodbye university? Revolution vs. evolution of the current education model

As we head into the tail end of 2013, a variety of claims and predictions are being tossed about regarding the future of higher education – and the...

Long term growth predicted for Peru

Long term growth predicted for Peru

The Republic of Peru is fairly new to the global education sector but as one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America, it holds much promise for...

NACAC removes ban on commissioned agents in international student recruitment

NACAC removes ban on commissioned agents in international student recruitment

The National Association for College Admission Counselling (NACAC) held its national conference in Toronto this past week. On Saturday, the NACAC Assembly debated – and passed with a...

20,000 students in the first 24 hours: UK enters MOOC space with social, mobile FutureLearn

Until last Wednesday, US-based learning platforms have led the development of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Together, those platforms, including Coursera, edX, and Udacity, serve an estimated 3...

Hong Kong’s allure underscores strengthening Asian education hubs

This summer, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority released statistics showing a 7% increase in the number of Hong Kong secondary school exam takers receiving the minimum...

The Indian rupee’s fall: what does – or will – it mean?

The Indian rupee has continued its downward slide this year, and worries about what this may mean to Indian students’ intentions to study abroad are increasing in tandem....

Interest in study abroad picking up again in Japan

Even as the country continues its efforts towards its ambitious Global 30 programme – an effort to bring 300,000 international students to Japan by 2020 – there are...

New Zealand enrolment down in 2013 as private sector falls off

A new report on international education in New Zealand reveals that total international enrolment for the first four months of 2013 declined by 3% against the same period...

International survey says Australia is most expensive study destination

HSBC released a study last week that looked at tuition and living costs in 13 international study destinations worldwide. The results? Australia, the survey says, is the most...

Scotland Snapshot: strong on quality and looking to boost student mobility

Accounting for less than a third of the UK’s total area, Scotland is something of a powerhouse from the vantage point of higher education. It is the world...

Philippines creates opportunities in overhaul of K-12 education system

The Philippines is undergoing a major overhaul to bring it in line with education systems worldwide, starting with the K-12 sector. This change to domestic education policy has...

Qatar: a regional market with the potential to surprise

The Middle East continues to show why it is becoming an increasing focus for student recruiters. While the UAE and Saudi Arabia often stand out as the most...

China to expand transnational education footprint with first offshore campuses

Along with being a leading source of international students, China has for some time been a preferred location for the transnational education (TNE) programmes of foreign universities. Transnational...

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  • Germany recovers an 8x return on investment in international students Read More
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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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