Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "retention"

South Korea on track to attract thousands more international students within the decade

...at increasing their retention of international students. For example: Japan has a target of enrolling 60% of international student graduates by 2033. This year, the Japanese government announced...

US statement sets stage for coordinated national strategy for international education

...retention, about the impact to the economy on innovation, on communities. We take this seriously. We think that it’s the beginning of some really important conversations and action.”...

US: Most university business officers anticipate financial challenges ahead

...models is an important driver of new initiatives to build international student numbers, improve student services and student retention, and expand transnational education and online programmes. In 2013,...

A corporate approach to managing risk in international recruitment

...analysis can also be undertaken to better understand performance by home country, gender, and programme area as well as any other material factors that bear on student success...

Are we already entering a post-MOOC era?

...in SOOCs is a game changer. Selectivity addresses three critical problems that have plagued MOOCs from day one: low levels of active participation, low retention rates, and variable...

How much influence does accommodation have on student recruitment?

...of accommodations There are two important aspects of accommodations beyond their role as physical housing: Recruitment: schools that offer housing may enjoy an advantage in attracting international students....

Market Snapshot: The Netherlands

...government is the recruitment and retention of highly skilled workers and researchers. Nuffic’s reports found a correlation between international graduate student recruitment and international research collaboration. These reports...

Survey says that alumni networks have limited impact on job prospects

...and retention. As we have observed in the past, “Alumni can add a powerful personal element to a marketing programme. Former students have first-hand knowledge of what it’s...

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