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Search results for: "content marketing"

Overwhelmed by tech options? You are not alone

...explain the growing emphasis on both social networks and content marketing for many marketing managers today. 79% of respondents said that getting customers’ attention online is a major...

Five ways to fine-tune your marketing this year

...but 2015 will be the year of paid amplification. With content marketing reaching near-ubiquity, the success pendulum will swing toward boosting consumption of content. That will put a...

Posting effectively on Facebook: the art of listening

...how to post and where to post what, we still need to find this relevant content. This is where content curation comes it: finding, organising and sharing relevant...

Game on! Consumer empowerment and gamification in international recruitment marketing

...rewarding, and exciting if they are to consider an actual purchase. This is why two of the big buzzwords in marketing these days are content marketing and gamification:...

Stretch your marketing budget with online and social networks, but don’t forget the basics

...need people to share it: “Google is [currently] basing your search engine ranking more on how much your content is shared than on how much your content is...

SEO: Why it’s so important in student recruitment and 10 simple tips to get started

...to it whenever you… create content; update content; syndicate content; post to social media such as Twitter or YouTube; and even create offline brochures. 2) Use long tail...

Recruitment reset for 2021: Focus on content and agents

...are turning to content marketing to drive organic traffic,” says PhocusWire. Skyscanner, for example, is an aggregated travel search and booking agency that typically draws 100 million users...

Millennial international students rely on digital channels and networks

...marketing is the next key component in a digital marketing strategy targeted to Millennials. “Despite being active in the digital world, international Millennials are more likely to consume...

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