Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 6d 22h 35m 48s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Global Summit Recommended Reading

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International enrolment declines pressuring UK universities this year, with one in three facing significant financial challenges It is becoming increasingly clear that a decline in international enrolments is putting the finances of UK universities...
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How diverse is the international student population in leading study abroad destinations? The last time we looked in on the distribution of nationalities in four top study destinations, we reported...
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What is the cost of policy intended to reduce international student flows? If you look at how the international education sector has been covered in the mainstream media this year,...
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US gains greater share of international student interest amid policy changes in competitor destinations For the first time in IDP Education’s Emerging Futures research, the US has emerged as the top-choice destination...
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The other side of a “V-shaped” recovery: 2024 and the transition to steadier growth in international enrolment “The year ahead will likely be a transitional one, marking both the end of the post-COVID era and...
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What is the right balance of international enrolment in post-secondary education? In January 2024, Canada announced a two-year cap on international enrolments. That cap was mandated by the federal...
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Under pressure: How global migration and economic trends are impacting international education It all seemed to happen quite suddenly, and then relentlessly. Beginning in mid 2023 and stretching through 2024,...
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Who decides about quality? Education agents and the question of increased regulation There has been a surge in international student mobility since the pandemic, and that rapid growth has tested...
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Will the US host 2 million international students within the decade? A new analysis from international research firm HolonIQ sets out four future growth scenarios for foreign enrolment in...
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Number of English-taught degree programmes rises by 22% from 2021 to 2024 A new report from British Council and Studyportals, “Mapping English-taught Programmes Worldwide,” reveals that in 2024, there are...
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English Australia consultation brief offers a powerful argument in response to proposed legislation English Australia is the national association for ELT providers in Australia, and earlier this week it offered what...
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