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Search results for: "Brazil"

Market snapshot: A guide to international student recruitment in Brazil

...study for Brazilian students looking at study abroad: Most of Brazil’s outbound students are pursuing English-language courses, but there are also significant numbers opting for higher education. Brazil...

Boosting Brazilian demand for long-term overseas study

...big thing. But where are the real opportunities for foreign education providers? Characteristics of the Brazilian market The education sector in Brazil generates about US $75 billion per...

Brazil: Affordability will be key to unleashing demand for study abroad

...have substantial investments in growing the size of their Brazilian student numbers. Brazil sends thousands of students out every year for ELT studies, and the number of degree-seeking...

The Brazilian market for English language learning

...by as much as 600% over the past decade. But strengthening English language acquisition for Brazilian students has been a slower process. English in Brazil Brazil uses English...

Public and private sector investment aims to increase higher education participation in Brazil

...demand for study abroad. Brazil as a host nation Brazil is also sending signals that it wants to become a destination for international students. The Brazilian government is...

Suitors line up for a strengthening Brazilian market

...for public school students and gives priority to Afro-Brazilians. The legislation aims to increase access for poorer, often black and mixed race Brazilians; currently, only 2.2% of Afro-Brazilians...

Finding opportunities within crisis in Brazil

...tertiary-level students studying outside Brazil at just over 32,000 for 2013. The growth of Brazilian outbound mobility, 2003-2014. Source: BELTA What this means in essence is that the...

Brazil: research highlights shift to affordable destinations and career-oriented studies

Earlier this month, BELTA – the Brazilian Educational and Language Travel Association – presented new research on 2015 trends in the Brazilian market for study abroad. The research...

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