Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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New data shows value of education rises during economic crisis

New data shows value of education rises during economic crisis

The employment gap between young people who left high school early and those who completed post-secondary education has continued to widen during the global economic crisis. New data...

Market snapshot: Poland

Market snapshot: Poland

The first Polish university dates back to 1364. Today in 2013, Poland has almost 2 million students at over 450 higher education institutions,* and is making moves to...

Chinese demand for overseas education remains strong despite worries about jobs

Chinese demand for overseas education remains strong despite worries about jobs

“If I want to enter a university like Tsinghua or Peking, I have to pay too much attention to the gaokao (the college entrance exam). I’d like to...

The power of connecting with international students

The power of connecting with international students

At this time in the year, many education institutions are in transition times: they are preparing for a major admissions cycle in autumn, and/or they are gearing up...

Ireland eyes STEM as key to its future

Ireland eyes STEM as key to its future

Ireland is looking ahead to its future, and it sees a country of skilled graduates in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths). In order to drive...

More English instruction slated for France

The renowned French protectiveness of their culture and language has come into conflict with the role of English as the lingua franca of business and science in a...

Europe takes stock of its international student recruitment strategies

As competition for international students intensifies around the world, the European Union is increasingly interested in promoting member countries – and indeed, the entire Eurozone – as a...

Japan’s ambitious proposals for higher education and language sectors

Japan’s government is increasingly viewing education as a vehicle to drive economic growth. Its policies highlight internationalisation and higher education reforms, as well as new language and financing...

FEDELE’s 2012 Spanish language school survey reveals overall growth

FEDELE (Spanish Federation of Schools of Spanish as a Foreign Language) has released its 2012 Informe Sectorial, or Sector Report, which was built from surveys conducted between January...

Malaysia pushes forward with ambitious education reforms

The state of Malaysia’s education system is no small issue for those interested in the flows of international students around the world. With estimates that 42% of global...

Part 2: MOOC development continues to pick up speed… around the world

ICEF Monitor returns to MOOCs today with the second half of a two-part look at the current state of the online education landscape. With ongoing questions about whether...

Part 1: MOOC development continues to pick up speed

The topic of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) has been extensively covered in various media both great and small, however it’s a technology – indeed an entire educational...

India moving forward with education reforms

“There is not a single Indian university amongst the top 200 universities in the world. This calls for drastic action to reform the way education is imparted in...

Is your marketing answering the right questions?

Amidst the ever-intensifying global competition for students, all education institutions with internationalisation mandates are asking themselves what they can do to present themselves more effectively to students in...

EU aims to be more attractive to students and scholars

The European Union is taking steps to make it easier and more attractive for non-EU students and academics to study and work in Europe. A European Commission proposal...

Most Recent

  • Student mobility in MENA boosted by foreign partnerships and branch campuses Read More
  • International student recruitment in Mexico: Demand for language study still leading the way Read More
  • Australia: Impact of more restrictive visa settings reflected in latest student sentiment survey Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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