Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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UK’s new immigration rules signal more welcoming approach to international students

UK’s new immigration rules signal more welcoming approach to international students

A number of changes to the UK’s immigration rules took effect on 1 October, with the most notable for international students and visitors being: Allowing some students to...

Hong Kong’s allure underscores strengthening Asian education hubs

Hong Kong’s allure underscores strengthening Asian education hubs

This summer, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority released statistics showing a 7% increase in the number of Hong Kong secondary school exam takers receiving the minimum...

Interest in study abroad picking up again in Japan

Interest in study abroad picking up again in Japan

Even as the country continues its efforts towards its ambitious Global 30 programme – an effort to bring 300,000 international students to Japan by 2020 – there are...

What will the new Australian government mean for the higher education sector?

What will the new Australian government mean for the higher education sector?

“International education is at a crucial turning point in Australia, and governments have two choices. They can persist with a fragmented, unhurried approach to managing global shifts in...

President Obama calls for new rating system for US colleges

President Obama calls for new rating system for US colleges

President Obama outlined a plan last week to establish a new rating system for US colleges, and announced as well his intention to eventually link federal student aid...

South Korean student mobility takes a dip

South Korea has traditionally been one of the world’s most robust sending markets, surpassed in numbers of students abroad only by China and India, but recent information suggests...

Jordan works on aligning education with its economy

As Jordanian society braces itself to absorb a massive youth surge in its population, Jordanian government institutions, businesses, and individuals are realising that their education system must make...

Philippine higher and vocational education: revamped for 21st century demands

Last week we introduced various opportunities for education providers looking to bolster ties with the Philippines – from K-12 to language to the vocational sector. Today, we expand...

Scotland Snapshot: strong on quality and looking to boost student mobility

Accounting for less than a third of the UK’s total area, Scotland is something of a powerhouse from the vantage point of higher education. It is the world...

Philippines creates opportunities in overhaul of K-12 education system

The Philippines is undergoing a major overhaul to bring it in line with education systems worldwide, starting with the K-12 sector. This change to domestic education policy has...

New Libyan scholarship programme to send 41,000 students abroad

Libya has been ever more on the radar of international educators in recent months. As the country works to rebuild in the wake of its 2011 civil war,...

EU releases strategy document urging intensified globalisation of education in Europe

The European Commission released a report and statement this month that urges EU universities and schools to ramp up the degree to which they are global, or internationalised,...

Well-designed internships look like the new competitive advantage

Around the world, several interconnected trends suggest there is a troubling gap between the profile of college and university graduates looking for work and the actual requirements of...

Pakistan boosts education funding but students still anxious about the future

Last May’s election in Pakistan was an historic event, marking not only a transition to a new government led by Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) but also...

US Summer Work Travel Program operating under tighter rules this year

The ability to travel to the US to work and gain experience – as well as be immersed in the culture of the country or a particular region...

Most Recent

  • Student mobility in MENA boosted by foreign partnerships and branch campuses Read More
  • International student recruitment in Mexico: Demand for language study still leading the way Read More
  • Australia: Impact of more restrictive visa settings reflected in latest student sentiment survey Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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