Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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FAM tours take agent-educator relationships to the next level

FAM tours take agent-educator relationships to the next level

More and more, international educators realise that FAM (familiarisation) tours are one of the most effective ways for education providers to strengthen their working relationships with student recruitment...

New study highlights global language travel trends and the role of agents

New study highlights global language travel trends and the role of agents

Two million people travel abroad every year with the primary purpose of learning a foreign language. About two-thirds study English and those enrolments are heavily concentrated in the...

The factors driving international student mobility to and from Turkey

The factors driving international student mobility to and from Turkey

Last year ICEF Monitor reported on Turkey’s ambition to become an international education hub and host 150,000 foreign students by 2020. This ambition is only growing. Serdar Gündoğan,...

Malaysia releases landmark education blueprint

Malaysia releases landmark education blueprint

Malaysia’s commitment to being a world-class knowledge economy – and a regional education hub – received a boost this month with the launch of a new higher education...

The promise and challenge of technology in language learning

The promise and challenge of technology in language learning

Many language schools are thinking about innovation these days. Innovation – in terms of programmes, student services, or any other aspect of the student experience – can be...

English skills a key for mobility and employment in the Middle East and North Africa

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has the world’s most youthful population… and the highest youth unemployment rates. A growing body of research is pointing to...

Egypt aims to quadruple international enrolment

The Egyptian government recently announced plans to increase the number of international students enrolled in the country and to market itself as a regional international education hub catering...

New research provides fresh insights for reaching and engaging millennials

Youth research firm Voxburner has just released a fascinating report in conjunction with YMS 2015 (Youth Marketing Strategy), a conference they recently hosted in London. The report, Youth...

Strategies for a challenging year in Russia

Russia has been an important growth market for outbound in recent years, both for travel generally and for student travel in particular. The ITB World Travel Trends Report...

Education agents continue to play a larger role in UK recruitment

The use of education agents to recruit international students is becoming increasingly common around the world, to the point where agents are driving significant proportions of international enrolments...

International student mobility picking up in Norway while major reforms take shape

Citizens in all Nordic countries have access to free higher education by virtue of a social philosophy (and tax structure), which holds that income differentials should not affect...

Strategic risk management in international student recruitment

“It’s really all about trying to understand the ‘what if’ scenarios,” says Pamela Barrett. “Any organisation that is operating internationally will operate in a field where there is...

New Zealand’s international education sector off to a strong start in 2015

New Zealand is building its international position as a study destination and has registered some important gains over the last year and more. From January to August 2014,...

Taiwan plans to close up to a third of its universities in the next decade

Taiwan’s Ministry of Education outlined plans late last month to merge or close up to 52 of the country’s public and private universities. The move comes in response...

Australia releases draft strategy for international education

The Australian government has just released its much-anticipated Draft National Strategy for International Education. It celebrates Australia’s recent resurgence as a leading destination country, identifies areas that need...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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