Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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The growing role of emerging markets in shaping global demand

The growing role of emerging markets in shaping global demand

“The rise of emerging markets has been perhaps the defining feature of the global economy this century. In 2000, emerging markets as a whole accounted for just 37%...

How will online school selection services affect education agents?

How will online school selection services affect education agents?

At ICEF Monitor, we have written before about how educators can power their recruitment and programming strategies via the astute collection, management, and analysis of data on the...

On the eve of the Sochi Olympics, storm clouds gathering for Russian economy

On the eve of the Sochi Olympics, storm clouds gathering for Russian economy

In just two days, the 2014 Olympic Winter Games will open in Sochi, Russia and the world will once again come together under the Olympic ideal of Citius,...

Checking in on China market trends

Checking in on China market trends

China remains the world’s leading outbound education market for international students. But what trends are shaping the market today and for the foreseeable future? To answer this question,...

Student testimonials are an untapped source of competitive advantage in recruitment marketing

Student testimonials are an untapped source of competitive advantage in recruitment marketing

Ask current students what convinced them to study with your education institution, and chances are it wasn’t a catchy tagline or the clever graphics employed in your logo....

Open Doors 2013: More international students in the US, most growth from China

The 2013 Open Doors Report on international educational exchange was released this week, and it shows that the number of international students in the US continues to grow...

Market Snapshot: Nepal

A tiny country often overshadowed by its booming neighbour to the south, Nepal could soon be on many an international student recruiter’s travel itinerary. ICEF Monitor provides a...

Extending your recruitment effort with international alumni

We’ve written previously about the importance of engaging alumni in international recruitment as well as the process of engaging and enabling brand advocates from among your current students....

Market Snapshot: Chile

An unusual mix of factors is at work in the education landscape of Chile. Like other OECD nations, Chile has experienced dramatic increases in student numbers; however, many...

Beyond student recruiting: agents’ roles as counsellors

How do international student recruiters prepare young people for their studies overseas? As parent and student expectations continue to increase, the role of student recruitment agencies has changed...

Market Snapshot: Sri Lanka

A jewel-like island, Sri Lanka sits in the centre of the Indian Ocean between Africa and East Asia. Their education system is a source of pride, and Sri...

The human side of content marketing

As much as business operations and marketing are different now than decades ago because of the Internet and consumers’ increasing gravitation online for information, entertainment, and … everything...

Goodbye university? Revolution vs. evolution of the current education model

As we head into the tail end of 2013, a variety of claims and predictions are being tossed about regarding the future of higher education – and the...

Interest in study abroad picking up again in Japan

Even as the country continues its efforts towards its ambitious Global 30 programme – an effort to bring 300,000 international students to Japan by 2020 – there are...

Does your recruiting include transfer students?

So much of international student recruitment is concerned with attracting new students from their countries of origin, but what about recruitment from within the very significant populations of...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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