Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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The development of international strategies in US higher education

The development of international strategies in US higher education

The American Council on Education (ACE) recently released a new report – the third in ten years – that assesses the current state of internationalisation at American higher...

Islamic nations join forces, strengthen education opportunities

Islamic nations join forces, strengthen education opportunities

The Jeddah-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has announced a higher education exchange programme that will facilitate scholarships, faculty exchanges, collaboration on distance learning methods and research projects...

China and India to produce 40% of global graduates by 2020

China and India to produce 40% of global graduates by 2020

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has just released a new report, which is part of the Education Indicators in Focus series, looking at higher education...

Trend Alert: English spreads as teaching language in universities worldwide

Trend Alert: English spreads as teaching language in universities worldwide

The Politecnico di Milano, one of Italy’s most prestigious universities, made waves in mid-May when it announced that it will teach and assess most of its degree and...

New research shows high levels of satisfaction with Australian English language sector

New research shows high levels of satisfaction with Australian English language sector

Educational services have grown to become one of Australia’s largest services export industries, generating over AUS$18 billion dollars in export revenue at its peak in 2009-10. Export income...

Vive le Québec: A distinct Canadian study destination

Editor’s Note (29 January 2014) CREPUQ’s name has been officially changed to the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) and it has left its role as the official voice...

Market Snapshot: South Africa

“South Africa and its neighbouring countries must urgently develop and implement higher education policies aimed at expanding student enrolments, strengthening the qualifications of academics, doubling the production of...

Ireland flexes its promotional muscles to attract foreign students

Ireland is setting its sights on regaining momentum as a top-tier study abroad destination. Its higher education system saw major expansion in the Celtic Tiger years (roughly 1995-2007)...

Peru investing in STEM, offering 2500 scholarships

Responding to increasing demand from the industry and perpetually low rankings among Latin American countries, Peru is investing more than US$136 million in science and technology (S&T). Prime...

Continued crackdowns on foreign-linked institutions in Vietnam

Editor’s Note: Vietnam has certainly been making the headlines this week. It was just announced that a new higher education law will come into effect from May 2013...

What determines growth rates in global higher education enrolments?

A new British Council study, The Shape of Things to Come: Higher education global trends and emerging opportunities to 2020, has recently become available in its entirety. The...

France repeals controversial foreign student and graduate visa restrictions

The new French government has annulled a controversial measure that imposed stiff visa restrictions on foreign students and graduates, as the newly elected president, François Hollande, had promised...

New rankings of national higher education systems in 48 countries

Most of us are familiar with rankings like those of QS, Times Higher Education and ARWU – but those only look at individual institutions. A new report into...

Market snapshots: Botswana, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Sudan

Earlier this month, we presented a round-up of news from Tanzania, Kenya, Mauritius and South Africa. Today we turn to Botswana, Sub-Saharan Africa and South Sudan for the...

European survey reveals intentions of international students, compares legislation

Yesterday we reported that Germany is easing post-study work and immigration legislation for foreign students in the wake of an interesting report based on a survey conducted by...

Most Recent

  • US: Trump administration actions creating an uncertain outlook for international students Read More
  • Germany recovers an 8x return on investment in international students Read More
  • New Zealand resource aims to connect prospective international students with qualified agents Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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