Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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An uncertain future for new STEM legislation in the US

An uncertain future for new STEM legislation in the US

Editor’s Note: For an update on more recent STEM legislation in the US, please see our related article “US one step closer towards passing STEM legislation, increasing H-1B...

Credit transfer scheme in SE Asia gives student mobility a boost

Credit transfer scheme in SE Asia gives student mobility a boost

As early as the next academic year (2013-14), a common credit transfer scheme could be adopted by all higher education institutions in the Greater Mekong Subregion – which...

Descriptions of education systems in 60 countries

Descriptions of education systems in 60 countries

Nuffic – the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education – regularly releases country modules, which offer information on the education systems of about 60 countries. Apart...

New legislation and new funding to boost Danish student mobility

New legislation and new funding to boost Danish student mobility

In Denmark last month, Morten Østergaard, the Minister of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, introduced three new legislative proposals designed to increase the number of Danish students studying...

Taiwan counters enrolment shortfalls with university mergers

Taiwan counters enrolment shortfalls with university mergers

A November 2012 announcement by Taiwanese Minister of Education Chiang Wei-ning declared that six of the country’s national universities would merge into three. The announced mergers reflect the...

Demand for STEM programming continues to increase; countries race to meet it

“STEM workers are disproportionately involved in creating and running successful tech companies … and coming up with breakthrough inventions …. It’s not an exaggeration to say that STEM...

International gains buck downward enrolment trend in US graduate schools

A recent report by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) has observed an interesting gap between applications to US graduate schools – up 4.3% from 2010 to 2011...

Opportunities expand as Lebanese choose a wider range of destinations

Drawing upon a cosmopolitan, multilingual society with strong historical ties to the West, the Lebanese student market presents an inviting prospect to international educators from around the world....

Number of Indian students heading abroad increases dramatically over past decade

The number of Indian students going overseas to study rose a stunning 256% – from 53,266 to 189,629 – in just nine years (2000–2009) according to a study...

New Zealand continues to refine visa processing and quality controls

Today we turn to New Zealand to discover which markets the country is prioritising to grow the international education industry. We also offer a reminder that Immigration New...

Proposed changes to conditional admissions in the US causing concern

Recently, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced their intentions to require US institutions to issue separate I-20 forms to degree-seeking international students who need to improve...

Field report: demand for education up sharply in Uzbekistan

As ICEF’s Director of the CIS countries, Mr Sergey Krasnyanskiy manages ICEF’s operations in Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. From his office in St Petersburg,...

Global tutoring industry experiencing explosive growth

As students across the globe increasingly enrol in higher education courses, tutoring has become a prime method for bolstering traditional learning. Because entrance examinations are critical for gaining...

The expanding footprint of international consortia in higher education

Universities worldwide are becoming increasingly internationalised, and many are also expanding their participation in international consortia. These multi-institution partnerships typically include a broad range of collaborations and joint...

Open Doors 2012: International student enrolment increases by nearly 6%

The 2012 Open Doors Report on international educational exchange, released today, finds that the number of international students at colleges and universities in the United States increased by...

Most Recent

  • US: Trump administration actions creating an uncertain outlook for international students Read More
  • Germany recovers an 8x return on investment in international students Read More
  • New Zealand resource aims to connect prospective international students with qualified agents Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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