Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

higher education statistics Page 7 of 63

UK providers increasing focus on transnational education

UK providers increasing focus on transnational education

New data from the UK provides a stark contrast between onshore and offshore enrolment trends, and indicates a growing emphasis on transnational education (TNE) among Britain’s higher education...

Thai demand for higher education cooling as population ages

Thai demand for higher education cooling as population ages

Thailand has been an attractive international education market for some time and continues to send substantial numbers of students for studies abroad, primarily to Australia, the US, and...

Indian outbound to key destinations up 18% in 2015

Indian outbound to key destinations up 18% in 2015

The number of Indian students going abroad to study grew by just under 18% last year, marking a second year of strong growth in outbound numbers. 2015 was...

China shows greatest improvement in global ranking of higher education systems

China shows greatest improvement in global ranking of higher education systems

The latest global ranking of national higher education systems reveals that China is quickly gaining ground on the US and Europe, and, by some measures, has already surpassed...

Coming to America: The need for greater diversification in international enrolment

Coming to America: The need for greater diversification in international enrolment

While its overall share of internationally mobile students has slipped over the last 15 years or so, the US remains – by far – the world’s leading study...

Brexit could discourage international students from choosing UK

Two new studies are adding some heft to earlier speculation that a UK exit from the EU – or “Brexit” – could make Britain a less attractive study...

The interdisciplinary opportunity

Countless studies have shown that international students expect study abroad to lead to better employment outcomes and that students’ choice of where and what to study is greatly...

More countries moving to internationalise higher education

A new study aims to provide a detailed snapshot of the countries that are “best engaged” in internationalising higher education, and, by extension, those that are best equipped...

Study finds an uncounted AUS$1 billion in Australian education exports

The Australian government launched an ambitious “whole-of-sector” international education strategy this week. The strategy is notable both in its ambition – to host, for example, 720,000 foreign students...

Brexit could discourage European students from studying in UK

Britain is steaming toward a 23 June referendum on the UK’s membership in the European Union. The question is simple and clearly framed – “Should the United Kingdom...

Survey says employment prospects the key for postgraduate applicants

A 2015 survey of postgraduate applicants around the world finds that prospective master’s or PhD students are giving greater weight to future career prospects when choosing their programme,...

Singapore adopting a more cautious outlook on education hub ambitions

In 2002, Singapore’s Economic Development Board (EDB) launched the Global Schoolhouse initiative. The EDB is concerned with attracting investment to Singapore, and it saw education as an important...

US OPT rules confirmed: Foreign STEM grads can now stay and work for up to three years

Following months of legal wrangling and uncertainty over the key Optional Practical Training (OPT) programme for foreign STEM graduates in the US, new rules were formally set down...

Further evidence of the mounting costs of UK visa policy

It has been clear for some time that more restrictive visa policies are weakening foreign student enrolments in the UK. And now both the UK’s Chartered Association of...

Income growth continues to drive demand for study abroad in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has all the hallmarks of an important emerging market for international education. Roughly four in ten Sri Lankans are under 24 years of age, and the...

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  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
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