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UK confirms Graduate Route will remain in place; plans “crackdown” on student visas and “rogue agents” Ahead of a snap general election called for 4 July 2024, and after months of speculation, a joint...
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Australia expands regulatory oversight of education agents and announces new integrity measures for VET Earlier this year, the Australian government commissioned former Victorian police commissioner Christine Nixon to conduct a “rapid review...
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IDP investor guidance warns of market downturn through 2025 IDP Education is one the largest service providers in international education. As a publicly traded company on the...
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Is Canada losing ground as a preferred destination for Indian students? A featured panel at the annual Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) conference in Vancouver this week raised...
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Australian government to set international student cap UPDATE, 15 MAY 2024: Government statements since 11 May indicate that the implementation date for international enrolment caps...
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New analysis highlights UK universities’ reliance on international enrolments A new analysis from the international consulting firm PwC offers a worrying view of the extent to which...
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Agent survey finds growing interest in alternative destinations; many students “hedging” plans with multiple applications The 2024 edition of INTO University Partnerships’ Global Agent Survey has just been released amid a context of...
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UK: Review finds no abuse of Graduate Route; recommends that current work rights remain in place for international students Following months of speculation, the UK’s Migratory Advisory Committee (MAC) has concluded its “rapid review” of the Graduate...
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Universities UK announces admissions and agent probe In the wake of critical media coverage in recent weeks, the UK’s higher education sector will undertake a...
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Brazilian agents reporting strong growth this year with many exceeding pre-pandemic volumes More than half of education agents in Brazil (54%) say their business volumes this year have exceeded pre-COVID...
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ICEF announces new agent code of conduct The following article is adapted from the upcoming edition of ICEF Insights magazine. The print edition will be...
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Who decides about quality? Education agents and the question of increased regulation There has been a surge in international student mobility since the pandemic, and that rapid growth has tested...
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