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Search results for: "MOOC"

Who uses MOOCs and how?

...from the field to sketch out early observations about the usage and impacts of MOOCs. Who uses MOOCs? A number of previous studies have shown that most MOOC...

Part 2: MOOC development continues to pick up speed… around the world

...or MOOC-like learning opportunities across Europe. Australia’s own platform MOOC provider edX has partnered with The Australian National University, but Australia also has its own MOOC platform, Open2Study,...

Are we already entering a post-MOOC era?

...may be more than an alternative to MOOCs; they may be the more sustainable and engaging forms of online learning in a “post-MOOC” era. MOOCs felt a backlash...

Part 1: MOOC development continues to pick up speed

...on latest MOOC rumblings in the US and review the MOOC trend as a whole, and the second part will look at developments in MOOCs internationally, with a...

Remodeling MOOCs in 2014

...using the essence of MOOCs – an online, adaptable, customisable, and accessible platform – to achieve diverse educational outcomes and business models. Today’s MOOCs: Are being adopted and...

20,000 students in the first 24 hours: UK enters MOOC space with social, mobile FutureLearn

...from MOOCs. Conflicting perspectives on MOOCs A recent report from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills – The maturing of the MOOC: literature review of massive...

MOOC learners in developing countries focused on career development

...in the relatively short history of MOOCs, most of those students have come from North America or Europe. But less is known about MOOC students in developing countries,...

Global review maps the state of MOOCs in 2014

...convenient summary of the rapid expansion of MOOC programming over the past three years and a detailed breakdown of the MOOC market in 2014. Tracking growth through 2014...

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