Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Full-year data confirms strong growth for New Zealand in 2015

Full-year data confirms strong growth for New Zealand in 2015

The latest data release from Education New Zealand (ENZ) confirms another year of strong growth for the country’s international student numbers. ENZ’s full-year Student Visa Dashboard for 2015...

Finland introduces university tuition fees for non-EU students

Finland introduces university tuition fees for non-EU students

It has been a running “will they or won’t they” question for some time, but the Finnish Parliament has now imposed tuition fees for non-European Union students studying...

New Zealand showing strong growth in international enrolment again this year

New Zealand showing strong growth in international enrolment again this year

(Editor’s note: Following the original publication of this article, Education New Zealand provided a further data release to confirm that actual international student enrolment – as distinct from...

Kuwait: Expanded scholarship support helping to drive growth in outbound mobility

Kuwait: Expanded scholarship support helping to drive growth in outbound mobility

An oil-rich country in the Middle East, Kuwait is sending its students abroad in growing numbers following several years of economic growth and expanded government scholarships for overseas...

Demand for study abroad in Venezuela hampered by currency controls

Demand for study abroad in Venezuela hampered by currency controls

Venezuela is an international education market that has shown significant growth in recent years, but economic troubles and political tensions have spilled into all sectors of society. These...

New Zealand’s international enrolment up 13% in 2014; growth continuing this year

New data from Education New Zealand provides the final word on a strong 2014 for the country’s international education sector. International student numbers were up 13% over 2013...

US community colleges stepping up international recruitment

In the last several months, community colleges have been in the spotlight in discussions of US higher education. In January 2015, US President Barack Obama announced his plan...

New Nigerian government aims to confront education challenges

Nigeria derives 70% of its government revenue from crude oil sales and so the collapse of world oil prices over the past year is a significant challenge –...

Kazakhstan economy driving both reforms and demand for higher education

Following several years of strong economic growth and educational reforms, Kazakhstan is a country with burgeoning demand for study abroad and for programmes geared to its labour market...

Governments and educators in Kenya struggling to keep pace with demand for higher education

The number of students in Kenya’s universities is soaring, up 28% in 2014 compared to 2013. But, contrary to expectations, the government has cut funding by 6% for...

Indonesia looks to education to help drive growth

“Indonesia is at a development crossroads,” says a recent World Bank report. It is now one of the 20 largest economies in the world and aims to break...

Canadian colleges set to play a bigger role in India’s plans to train 500 million

Education was front and centre last month when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his official state visit to Canada. This was the first such visit in 42...

New Zealand’s international education sector off to a strong start in 2015

New Zealand is building its international position as a study destination and has registered some important gains over the last year and more. From January to August 2014,...

New Zealand’s international enrolment up 12% as number of prospective domestic students falls

New data released last month shows that New Zealand, already a popular study abroad destination, has boosted its international student enrolments by 12% for the period January to...

New Zealand continues to build on 2013 enrolment growth

After years of flat or declining international enrolment, New Zealand began to turn the corner in 2013. More specifically, after a tough start to the year – which...

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  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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