Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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The link between employment outcomes and recruiting

The link between employment outcomes and recruiting

World university rankings such as those produced by QS, Shanghai, and Times Higher Education have for decades influenced prospective international students set on obtaining a prestigious post-secondary education....

Survey reveals motivations of postgraduate students in emerging markets

Survey reveals motivations of postgraduate students in emerging markets

We love a good student survey around here, and QS is out this month with an interesting new slice of data that focuses on the motivations of international...

Strengthening the connection between education and employment

Strengthening the connection between education and employment

For many students and families, education is the path to new or better careers and, ultimately, to a better future. This expectation is a key driver of demand...

Ghana emerging as an important sending market in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ghana emerging as an important sending market in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has become an increasingly important region for international student recruitment, and is home to a number of significant emerging markets, notably Nigeria and Kenya. The region...

New survey reinforces career goals a primary motivation for study abroad

New survey reinforces career goals a primary motivation for study abroad

A new Hobsons report, Creating a Sustainable International Education Sector: A Manifesto for Intelligence-Led Marketing and Recruitment of International Students, examines international students’ perceptions of higher education models,...

Growing demand for vocational training in Vietnam

The Vietnamese economy has recorded strong growth for more than two decades, and, among Asian economies, only China has grown faster since 2000. But the alarm bells have...

The interdisciplinary opportunity

Countless studies have shown that international students expect study abroad to lead to better employment outcomes and that students’ choice of where and what to study is greatly...

Australia releases 10-year blueprint for expansion of its international education sector

Australia took a bold step this week with the release of the country’s first comprehensive national strategy for international education. The National Strategy for International Education 2025 is...

America and Japan reporting big gains in Vietnamese enrolment

Vietnam currently boasts one of Asia’s strongest economies, with an estimated 6.7% GDP growth in 2015 and an impressive average annual growth rate of 5.5% since 1990. The...

Survey says employment prospects the key for postgraduate applicants

A 2015 survey of postgraduate applicants around the world finds that prospective master’s or PhD students are giving greater weight to future career prospects when choosing their programme,...

US OPT rules confirmed: Foreign STEM grads can now stay and work for up to three years

Following months of legal wrangling and uncertainty over the key Optional Practical Training (OPT) programme for foreign STEM graduates in the US, new rules were formally set down...

The growing demand for English language learning in Mexico

Despite its shared border with the United States, Mexico still has a challenge with limited English language proficiency. It ranks below several other Latin American nations for English...

India shifting focus to education quality

The Indian government continues to send signals of an increasing focus on quality in the country’s higher education system. Higher education enrolment in India has exploded over the...

Erasmus+ participation doubles in 2014; boosts youth employment

In December 2013, European Union ministers concluded an agreement for a major consolidation and expansion of student mobility programmes across Europe. That landmark agreement created Erasmus+ and provided...

US court extends deadline for new post-study STEM work rules

International students in the US hoping to gain practical experience in their chosen fields of study are getting an extra and unwanted learning experience about the US legal...

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