Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Japan’s ambitious proposals for higher education and language sectors

Japan’s ambitious proposals for higher education and language sectors

Japan’s government is increasingly viewing education as a vehicle to drive economic growth. Its policies highlight internationalisation and higher education reforms, as well as new language and financing...

Malaysia pushes forward with ambitious education reforms

Malaysia pushes forward with ambitious education reforms

The state of Malaysia’s education system is no small issue for those interested in the flows of international students around the world. With estimates that 42% of global...

Strong focus on agent relations key to success in Latin America

Strong focus on agent relations key to success in Latin America

Today ICEF Monitor explores the key to success in four Latin American countries, where a strong focus on agent relations proves vital. We sit down with Mr Jonathan...

China’s slowdown doesn’t mean the sky is falling

China’s slowdown doesn’t mean the sky is falling

Newspaper headlines across the world have been filled of late with the news that China’s gross domestic product (GDP) slowed to 7.7% for the first quarter of 2013,...

Part 1: MOOC development continues to pick up speed

Part 1: MOOC development continues to pick up speed

The topic of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) has been extensively covered in various media both great and small, however it’s a technology – indeed an entire educational...

India moving forward with education reforms

“There is not a single Indian university amongst the top 200 universities in the world. This calls for drastic action to reform the way education is imparted in...

International internships are increasingly valued by employers

Internships have long been part of the collegiate landscape, but their relationship to students’ future prospects has never been more direct. ICEF Monitor takes a look at the...

Market snapshot: Turkey

Turkey is emerging as an increasingly attractive study destination and source of students. Because of its newly invigorated economy, its young population, its strategic geographic location, and its...

Why Vietnam? A market snapshot

If Vietnam has yet to appear on your institution’s international student recruitment radar screen, this article might make you think again. Below you’ll find a compelling overview of...

Demand for Spanish instruction escalating, higher ed still facing challenges

Spain has long been a popular travel and study abroad destination. Of all the participating countries in Europe, Spain receives the largest number of students from the popular...

EU aims to be more attractive to students and scholars

The European Union is taking steps to make it easier and more attractive for non-EU students and academics to study and work in Europe. A European Commission proposal...

Canada allots CDN $65 million to boost its competitiveness as a study abroad destination

The Canadian government’s latest budget includes CDN $23 million dedicated to supporting its national international education strategy and CDN $42 million to improving visa processing for temporary residents...

Continuing expansion for education in the Middle East

The Middle East continues to see dramatic growth in education capacity, driven especially by booming population growth and burgeoning demand for tertiary education by women. Consider a couple...

Comparing and contrasting study abroad trends of Brits and Americans

New research on US and UK students compares their propensity to study abroad, with three top trends standing out: 56% of US respondents are considering studying overseas, compared...

WES report highlights US capacity to grow undergraduate enrolment

A new report from WES (World Education Services), “International Student Mobility Trends 2013: Towards Responsive Recruitment Strategies” contains valuable information on (a) global international student mobility patterns and...

Most Recent

  • Student mobility in MENA boosted by foreign partnerships and branch campuses Read More
  • International student recruitment in Mexico: Demand for language study still leading the way Read More
  • Australia: Impact of more restrictive visa settings reflected in latest student sentiment survey Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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