Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

higher education statistics Page 24 of 63

New educational technology and customised education

New educational technology and customised education

Education technology is in the midst of an historic shift toward a less centralised, more learner-directed model. The trends relating to this are rapid and overlapping, but are...

Pakistan boosts education funding but students still anxious about the future

Pakistan boosts education funding but students still anxious about the future

Last May’s election in Pakistan was an historic event, marking not only a transition to a new government led by Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) but also...

Mixed signals continue regarding the extent of Australia’s international education recovery

Mixed signals continue regarding the extent of Australia’s international education recovery

There is good news and less good news when we look at the Australian international education market. On the one hand, education remains the country’s biggest service export...

New data shows value of education rises during economic crisis

New data shows value of education rises during economic crisis

The employment gap between young people who left high school early and those who completed post-secondary education has continued to widen during the global economic crisis. New data...

Higher ed in Russia: the international agenda takes centre stage

Higher ed in Russia: the international agenda takes centre stage

On the international stage, Russian higher education institutions have for many years been part of the supporting cast rather than a leading role. In the Soviet era, higher...

Falling rupee drives up costs for Indian students; Delhi makes the switch to four-year degrees

Can we be surprised that in a country of the size and importance of India that there is never any shortage of educational news? Its population of more...

Market snapshot: Poland

The first Polish university dates back to 1364. Today in 2013, Poland has almost 2 million students at over 450 higher education institutions,* and is making moves to...

Chinese demand for overseas education remains strong despite worries about jobs

“If I want to enter a university like Tsinghua or Peking, I have to pay too much attention to the gaokao (the college entrance exam). I’d like to...

US a source of international students too

The US is often in the news for its reputation as the leading destination for international students. But American students go overseas, too – as a recent report...

Ireland eyes STEM as key to its future

Ireland is looking ahead to its future, and it sees a country of skilled graduates in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths). In order to drive...

Where international students will study over the next decade

A recent post in ScienceGuide featured an analysis by Mr Alan Ruby, senior fellow at the University of Pennsylvania (and an expert on the effects of globalisation on...

New report raises alarm regarding declining enrolment in UK

Concerns remain high over the British government’s tightened visa rules as they relate to the perception of the UK as a study abroad destination; their effect on applications...

More English instruction slated for France

The renowned French protectiveness of their culture and language has come into conflict with the role of English as the lingua franca of business and science in a...

Pricing and price sensitivity in international education

To what extent does cost, particularly relative cost among comparable institutions or destinations, factor in an international student’s choice of where to study? This is no small question...

SAT demand surging abroad as College Board announces redesign

Two unrelated stories about the SAT (formally the SAT Reasoning Test and one of two major standardised exams for US college admissions) have caught our attention in recent...

Most Recent

  • US updates rules to expand flexibility and improve oversight for H-1B visa programme    Read More
  • Australia and Canada: Rising to the challenge of new immigration policies Read More
  • Recruiting in Sri Lanka: Demand for study abroad remains high; TNE poised for further growth Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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