Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

higher education reform Page 9 of 23

Ireland eyes STEM as key to its future

Ireland eyes STEM as key to its future

Ireland is looking ahead to its future, and it sees a country of skilled graduates in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths). In order to drive...

New report raises alarm regarding declining enrolment in UK

New report raises alarm regarding declining enrolment in UK

Concerns remain high over the British government’s tightened visa rules as they relate to the perception of the UK as a study abroad destination; their effect on applications...

More English instruction slated for France

More English instruction slated for France

The renowned French protectiveness of their culture and language has come into conflict with the role of English as the lingua franca of business and science in a...

US calls for feedback on conditional admissions policy by 7 June

US calls for feedback on conditional admissions policy by 7 June

Editor’s Note: The deadline has been extended to 14 June 2013. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has opened a call for stakeholder feedback on its draft...

SAT demand surging abroad as College Board announces redesign

SAT demand surging abroad as College Board announces redesign

Two unrelated stories about the SAT (formally the SAT Reasoning Test and one of two major standardised exams for US college admissions) have caught our attention in recent...

Hong Kong remains competitive despite tuition hike

Today ICEF Monitor looks at Hong Kong, where the government says inflation and monetary exchange has forced a rise in fees for international students. As the country adjusts...

Australian private-sector providers continue to call for visa reforms

In most destination countries, immigration policy is the area where government policy and process improvements can have the most dramatic impact on international student enrolments. Perhaps it is...

Japan’s ambitious proposals for higher education and language sectors

Japan’s government is increasingly viewing education as a vehicle to drive economic growth. Its policies highlight internationalisation and higher education reforms, as well as new language and financing...

Malaysia pushes forward with ambitious education reforms

The state of Malaysia’s education system is no small issue for those interested in the flows of international students around the world. With estimates that 42% of global...

Part 1: MOOC development continues to pick up speed

The topic of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) has been extensively covered in various media both great and small, however it’s a technology – indeed an entire educational...

Changes to Cuban education sector could bring shift in student mobility patterns

Recent changes in Cuba could result in a shift in student mobility patterns related to the island, and today on ICEF Monitor we’ll look at some of the...

India moving forward with education reforms

“There is not a single Indian university amongst the top 200 universities in the world. This calls for drastic action to reform the way education is imparted in...

Market snapshot: Turkey

Turkey is emerging as an increasingly attractive study destination and source of students. Because of its newly invigorated economy, its young population, its strategic geographic location, and its...

Why Vietnam? A market snapshot

If Vietnam has yet to appear on your institution’s international student recruitment radar screen, this article might make you think again. Below you’ll find a compelling overview of...

Demand for Spanish instruction escalating, higher ed still facing challenges

Spain has long been a popular travel and study abroad destination. Of all the participating countries in Europe, Spain receives the largest number of students from the popular...

Most Recent

  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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